A little Cheat.

Ok I cheated a little bit today as I forgot to post my dailies yesterday. I posted two funny poems and put them under Poem and Joke of the day. Hope you dont mind too much.



Furtive adj. 1. Marked by quiet, caution or secrecy; taking pains to avoid being observed. “A furtive kiss.” 2. Characterized by stealth; surreptitious. “A furtive attempt to take control of the business.”

Orange © Jeff Opperman


© Jeff Opperman
Now see the beautiful sunset ore the ocean blue
Fiery colors due abound of poems there are a few
I wish that I could write one, about that perfect hue
But nothing rhymes with Orange

Orchards stretch for miles, they never seem to stop
There nectar baring fruit is one that’s hard to top
A fruit that justifies a sonnet, but might as well be rock
But nothing rhymes with Orange

How do I describe a basketball?
Or the bricks within my garden wall
The autumn leaves before they fall
But nothing rhymes with Orange

So the hardest line you’ll ever write
One to keep you up all night
So please tell if you might
What the hell rhymes with ORANGE?

Source: Nothing Rhymes with Orange, Orange, Humorous Poem http://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/orange#ixzz1wCwFE5cB

Quote of the Day _ 24th May 2012

A word to the wise ain’t necessary – it’s the stupid ones that need the advice.

-Bill Cosby